1.01 Hi everyone, As mentioned previously on the forums, these past few weeks have been spent working on a patch to address the concerns and issues the players had been discussing, and Patch 1.01 is now available - read on for the patch notes. Its a digital key that allows you to download Everybodys Gone to the Rapture directly to PC from the official Platforms. Marty Sliva Read Review Summary Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture tells the story of the inhabitants of a remote English valley who are caught up in world-shattering events beyond their control or. Nestled away in the idyllic English countryside, the village of Yaughton, Shropshire, stands empty.

Five days, four hours and 30 minutes since the Primary Event. The time is 637am on Wednesday, 6 June, 1984. 1. Our story begins at the end of the world. While our mouths froth in advance of tomorrow’s livestream and following press events, it is only natural to scour the internet for any nugget of information to slowly peel back the veil of secrecy. Everybodys Gone to the Rapture - Patch notes v. Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture tells the story of the inhabitants of a remote English valley who are caught up in world-shattering events beyond their control or understanding. Everybodys Gone to the Rapture - Patch notes v. As we finally approach the end of the dark, twisted and maleficent tunnel that has been the Wii U era, the topic on everyone’s minds is the Nintendo Switch.